We started the year with the tragic shooting of a town meeting hosted by Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. 2011 brought us "the protester" (Time Magazine's Person of the Year) with the Arab Spring and the on-going Occupy Wall Street protests, as well as similar protests, from New York's Zuccotti to Oakland to Tahrir Square . There was also the now infamous footage of our increasingly militarized police force pepper spraying students in the face while peacefully protesting. This incident in at UC Davis wasn't the only one; this has happened at Occupy protests all over the country.
Next year will bring a presidential election and so the fight for the chance to challenge President Obama has begun among the right. With the primary season about to go in early January in Iowa, the coverage of all the smearing and name-calling is in full swing. And how 'bout all those 13(!!) great Republican primary debates? There is a plethora of nonsense and false and bizarre statements that I probably cannot cover it all but here are the most memorable moments. Who could forget all the cheering about death of the uninsured and the death penalty, as well and Mitt's $10,000 bet to Rick Perry? Speaking of the death penalty, this was a hot topic this year with the execution of Troy Davis and an examination of Rick Perry's record.
Going into the primary season, Mitt Romney and Newt Gringrich (yes, I can't believe it either) are the current front runners but apparently Ron Paul could take Iowa. The circus may have just begun. And thanks to the Supreme Court's ruling that corporations are people and money equals free speech, the 2012 election season is going to be truly unprecedented in shenanigans. I'll have some popcorn.
Along with the multiple budget showdowns and the threat of government shutdown, 2011 has truly been a bizarre year in politics, but at least it gave comedians plenty of material.
Other notable moments of 2011 was the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, the last Harry Potter film was released, Osama bin Laden was killed by Navy SEALS, following a 2008 agreement (GW Bush) all of US troops will be withdrawn by the end of the year, and just recently, Kim Jong II died.
There was also Kim Kardashian's 70 something day marriage and the revelation that the Muppets are Communists. September 11, 2011 marked the 10th anniversary of the attack on the trade towers.
2011 was also the year of well-publicized murder trials of young women. Casey Anthony was acquitted and surprisingly Nancy Grace did not burst into flames (but she was pretty upset). Amanda Knox's murder conviction was overturned and she went home to Washington. Amy Winehouse died, joining the 27 club, Don't Ask Don't Tell was repealed and Steve Jobs died.
Penn State is amid a child abuse scandal involving former offensive coach Jerry Sandusky and the following riots by students after Joe Paterno was fired (which just may be the dumbest protest of the year) and there was the earthquake, tsunami and following disaster in Japan complete with a nuclear plant meltdown. We also had record breaking weather disasters here at home, including super tornadoes, drought, and wildfires.
And who can forget the (former) Governator's affair and secret love child with the housekeeper. Lastly, the Earth's human population reached 7 billion.
What a year! What will 2012 bring?
Happy New Year!