Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cats like catnip and mice

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. I was able to spend the holidays in Minnesota which was nice. We had a rare brown Christmas and an unusually warm last week of December. I spent time with the cutest puppy/ball of energy in the world. Oh Dilly (short for Dillinger) what a good boy you are!

Yesterday was Martin Luther King Jr. Day and my mom's birthday. Happy birthday, mom! Every Tuesday after MLK day (for the last 5 years) has meant the start of the spring semester. The streets of San Marcos were bustling with students and the Supple Science castle was once again full of human life. The temperature when I woke up this morning was an incredible 68 degrees F! When I was an undergraduate at the U MN, the first week of the semester was usually bitterly cold, like 5 degrees with a -10 windchill. Bundle up! But this, 68, humid and sunny, what a day! Since I spent 23 years in Minnesota, the climate in Texas still amazes me.

The Republican primaries are under way and we are left with Romney and "not-Romney" which has rotated around the GOP from Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and most recently in the New Hampshire, Ron Paul. The GOP debates continue with two within twelve hours of each other last weekend with the candidates tearing into each other and spouting falsehoods about President Obama and their own records. And let's not forget about the beast unleashed by the Supreme Court's Citizens United and the creation of the Super PAC. Now in 2012, our elections can be bought and sold the highest bidder! Besides this, the GOP has also been busy disenfranchising voters and controlling women's uterus's while not doing much to help the economy or put Americans back to work. But remember, their number 1 goal is to make sure Obama is a one-term president. What a year this should turn out to be. Must stock up on popcorn.

Happy birthday Betty White and Muhammad Ali! And happy belated birthday to Michelle Obama!