Monday, August 1, 2011

Don't need no credit card to ride this train

August 1st! Where does the time go?

On this day in 2007, the I35 bridge collapsed into the Mississippi River during rush hour. Hey Congress, let's invest in infrastructure!

Well Congress has reached a deal on our "debt crisis", but no matter who "won", America is the real loser. Check out any news outlet, except for "fixed noise" (aka Fox News), and you'll see what I mean. However, I stumbled upon this gem today. Give it a read. It was just what the doctor ordered.

My mom called me tonight to tell me that an old canine's life was over. This faithful friend was my aunt and uncle's dog. She was around 16 or 17. Molly, as we called her, had a good life. She spent copious amounts of time chasing after small rodents and patrolling the yard. She had a plethora of belly rubs and table treats. It's never easy to lose pets; I understand how much they mean, how great of friends they are. But, at least we had the joy of the time that they were alive, however brief it was. As Alec Baldwin, guest starring on "Friends", said about a dog long gone, "Bow wow, old friend, bow wow."

Speaking of our furry companions, the rats are visiting the vet tomorrow for respiratory infections (an easy fix) so once the rats are all better, I am going to get more rats! Probably just 2. But maybe 3. It will be great fun!

The Netflix movie viewing continues during my breaks from collecting data and playing around with Breeding Bird Survey data (google it if you want an explanation). I have been watching horror movies for the last week. I saw some good ones, including Let the Right One In, Dance of the Dead, and Warlock. The English remake  of the first movie, Let Me In, is also worth watching if you don't like subtitles (original is in Swedish). Warlock is an 80's flick and a little campy but it is one of the better films to come out of the late 80's. I also watched Altered and Trick r Treat. Altered didn't really do anything for me and Trick r Treat was decent, but there sure was a lot of child-killing in the latter. And by that I mean children being killed, and a little bit of children killing other people (but mostly the former).

Blake and I caught a matinee showing of Cowboys and Aliens yesterday. It was a fun summer action flick. I thought it was worth the $5.50 I paid.

A sleep study awaits me tomorrow evening. Sleeping attached to electrodes will be a first for me.

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