Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Wedding, part II and stories of the Scientist's older brother

Writing is a relief. I find solace in the words, flowing from my cerebral cortex out of my fingertips. 

The wedding is drawing closer. The next few weekends will bring numerous wedding showers. Gifts with my name on it are there. Yet, I am the ghost bridesmaid, off somewhere, unable to participate in the pre-wedding festivities. 

Soon, a plane will take me North. I will have the privilege to witness my brother upcoming nuptials. Oh, how wonderful and surreal! My brother getting married?! Remember when we were just children? As the oldest, you occasionally had the task of watching your two younger siblings. Once, you locked Josh and I out the house on a summer's day while our mom was at work. We swam in the backyard pool in our clothes while you enjoyed the air conditioner and the absence of your younger siblings. 

One fall day, you, Josh and I were playing football on the hill next to the house. You were wearing your shoulder pads. I was not wearing any protective equipment. You ran at me, full speed, with your characteristic smirk and tackled me down the hill. 

Whenever I think of us as children, your GI Joe figurines come to mind. Along with Super Nintendo, Donkey Kong, and Top Gun. Remember when you and I were in the same junior high? You were in 9th grade and I was in 7th. The first time I saw you in school, I approached you at your locker and said, "hi!" You told me not to talk to you. 

Remember when you drove the saturn? I became tolerant of rock music after riding in your car (Mom forced you to help chauffeur Josh and I around). Once, you picked me up from cheerleading practice in the escort wagon. You left the passenger side window open the night before and it rained. I got in the car and sat down in a soaking seat. 

Remember your long, curly hair and tube socks? I wish I had photo to post.

When I made it to high school, you were a senior. This time, you actually talked to me. It pleased your female friends. You had a great group of buddies when you were in high school. I thought you were so cool. I was envious. 

When you and I were growing up, we stayed out of each others way. I do not recall us fighting very often. You and I were not very close. Josh and I fought and interacted constantly, but you and I, well we did our own things. 

One 4th of July holiday, you were drunk and a angry drunken Nancy who fell into a mud puddle had passed out. We hung out for the rest of the night. You tried to tell us scary stories about Alien but it was entertaining and hilarious instead.

The first time we had a deep conversation as adults only happened two years ago. You told me to call you anytime I needed to talk. 

This past Independence Day, you gave me a hug and told me your were very proud of me for attending graduate school. 

I still cannot believe that you are getting married. We may have avoided each other as kids, but let's be friends as adults. After all, so the story goes, you were my first friend. My baby book says that you were enamored with me as an infant.

I can't wait to see you up there on the altar and I can't wait to celebrate with you. 


  1. I did not lock you out. That was a nice post.

  2. You absolutely did! Ha ha ha I think you had friends over and Josh and I were bugging you.
